Book presentation “Unforgivable” by Marcello Veneziani

Book presentation “Unforgivable” by Marcello Veneziani

Officine Gribaldi - Pisa 2018

In Pisa at the “Officine Garibaldi” Cultural Center, our Partner, the journalist Manuela Arrighi interviewed Marcello Veneziani together with Francesco Corsi.
Corsi urged the author with philosophical questions about the "unforgivable": characters that are uncomfortable for their genius level and out of their time, sometimes too far ahead and in any case witnesses of a being out of context, enough to be able to provide a reading of the context itself. They are the giants that the contemporary world tries to bury together with thought. The philosopher Marcello Veneziani goes through over one hundred authors on whom we are sitting unconsciously: they are his masters to whom he wanted to offer this important tribute for those who love the taste of thought.

Marcello Veneziani e Manuela Arrighi