The rediscovered word. Rebuilding man through language

The rediscovered word. Rebuilding man through language

Chamber of Deputies Library - Rome - November 6, 2013


la Parola Ritrovata Roma 2013

Speeches by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, Prof. Giuseppe Benelli and Prof. Francesco Corsi, Hon. Monica Baldi

“Words, in fact, can give joy; and for this to happen we need to go back to rediscover the pleasure of the "verb" which is poetry, music. Rediscovering the word, enjoying, living and sharing the "word" brings us back to our true nature, unfortunately often forgotten. "

Fabrizio Guarducci

Introduction by Francesco Corsi to the conference:

"We would like" The rediscovered word "to be the beginning of a laboratory that arouses the sense of urgency that our time is experiencing.

An urgency that, even before being dictated by the economic aspects, is articulated in what is the foundation of the human being: language.

For this reason today we are not at a presentation of a book, but we are faced with a stimulus that the author, Fabrizio Guarducci, felt as a collective necessity: the reconstruction of man starting from the word, which can take place with the help of everyone our.

Fabrizio Guarducci, researcher for many years, a thinker, a man who goes in search of time and history by studying ancient manuscripts. For years he has plunged into the reading of alchemical, Gnostic, Kabbalistic texts, philosophical texts, ancient and modern scientific works.

Guarducci is President of the International Institution which is Lorenzo De Medici, attended by students from all over the world. Fabrizio has had the opportunity for years and years to see different values, different cultures in comparison. The diversities, different values, each to be safeguarded in its wonderful identity.

the profound dialogue that human experience establishes with the sign, with the word, highlighting the link that exists between the bodily gesture and the formulation of a thought and therefore of a language.

Although it seems that there is a sort of pre-linguistic area in which the prelude of the word develops, the word is articulated in a praxis, in a sort of linguistic game, in which man progresses by developing at the same time theoretical knowledge as well as the emotional affective sphere.
The discovery of "mirror neurons" shows how learning operates by imitating behaviors that are introjected and experienced empathically. There is a real biological basis for those imitative behaviors that operate at the unconscious level. For this reason, harmonic experiences such as musical education have positive influences, while violent messages that are linked to terms defined as "toxic" are a real social disaster, amplified by the overwhelming power of globalization.

One of the most serious problems that seem to afflict contemporary humanity is given by a globalized technocracy that develops automatisms; automatisms that develop behavioral codes that create a rift between the "shared" external world and the interiority of each person.

The paradox of the great mass communication seems to give rise to an incommunicability with the emotional and empathic inner level of people. And if it is true that language originates precisely in this dialogue between inner emotional processing and external stimuli, between the corporeality of the gesture and

Guarducci says: "Musical communication touches the strings of our soul and opens us to the upper floors ... and perfect communication without the risk of contamination, accustoms man to harmony"

This is why we thought we would have Vittorio Sgarbi here with us, the greatest art expert there is in this moment because he lives art not only as an objective and scientific "external" connoisseur, but because he lives it as the greatest "inner" emotion of own life. This is why I thought of my friend Giuseppe Benelli, a great artist of the word and expert in that philosophy of language which today is urgently called to reconstruct the relationship that exists between language, thought and reality, in the face of a language that has become "automatic", devoid of flavor, creativity and also, unfortunately, ethical values.

Francesco Corsi